We are a full service Mold and Lead company. We provide a quick, cost effective service,
taking the headache of dealing with these issues off your shoulders.
Mold Testing and Removal
Our pros come in and test or remove and repair the area of mold. We then prepare all the necessary documents to remove any violations with the HPD — leaving you with a safe and mold free environment.
Upon request we offer a detailed Mold Assessment report for every job.
(718) 316-6866
Test your water regularly
Because you drink around 3 to 4 liters of water daily, the EPA and FDA regularly test water sources to keep you safe from chemicals and disease-causing microbes. But they do not check the chemicals present in the pipes and tubes leading into your home. Are you sure your water is safe?
Water testing is the best way to check if your tap water is safe for your daily consumption. This process helps detect chemicals and pathogens, such as chlorine, lead, and protozoan parasites (e.g., Giardia and Cryptosporidium).
Chlorine in your tap water
Having chemicals in your tap water is unavoidable, particularly chlorine. This chemical is an effective disinfectant and is not harmful at the levels used for treating water supply. Chlorine kills pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that get into your tap water.
When is chlorine harmful to human health?
Levels of chlorine added to your water supply are generally considered safe to drink by EPA and FDA. When does chlorine have harmful effects?
Pipe corrosion. Pipes that have too much chlorine exposure over time corrode. This will allow other harmful chemicals such as lead, copper, and iron to find their way into your tap water.
Weak resistance to chlorine
Some people are sensitive to chlorinated water. Symptoms may show up over long-term consumption including headache, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, kidney failure, and asthma. Severe cases may include cancer of the breast or bladder.
Watch out for lead in your water
There are two common ways lead gets into your tap water:
You have lead in your plumbing system. If your home, school, or office was built before 1986, your plumbing system may contain lead pipes or fixtures.
For plumbing systems built or fixed before January 4, 2014, lead-free labeled materials may still contain up to eight percent lead. Water testing is the way to check if lead has not leached to your tap water.
After January 2014, the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act decreased the allowable lead content for surfaces and materials in contact with potable water to a weighted average of lease than or equal to 0.25 percent.
Pipe corrosion can poison your water
Corrosion and deterioration in your plumbing system is unavoidable. Use of hot water can speed up the corrosion. Lead can also enter into your water system if pipes in surrounding areas have damage.
Only when your water is tested for lead can you verify that your water is lead-free.
Disease-causing protozoas
Disease-causing parasites, namely Giardia and Cryptosporidium, can be identified in water tests. It is essential during water-borne or water-washed outbreaks. These protozoan parasites can live in your water for long periods. Giardia and Cryptosporidium cannot be identified through taste, sight, or smell in water they contaminate. Only with water testing can these parasites be identified. Symptoms from diseases caused by these protozoans include diarrhea, stomach pains and cramps, nausea and vomiting, headache, bloating, slight fever, fatigue, flatulence, lack of appetite, and weight loss.
You need water testing at least once a year to ensure that your tap water is safe for drinking. Most harmful chemicals and pathogens cannot be identified through taste, smell, or sight in contaminated water.
Call (718) 316-6866 for professional water testing service.
(718) 316-6866
Radon testing is done to check if the home or building is safe from radon, a radioactive odorless, colorless, invisible gas. You need radon tests when buying a home or doing major renovations. You need it every two years if there is a mitigation system installed, and every five years if there is no mitigation system installed.
Why is Radon Testing essential?
Radon Testing is essential to keep your homes, schools, and offices safe and healthy. In the United States, radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Long-term exposure to elevated levels of radon result in health complications.
Radon as a health hazard
Inhaling radon causes lung cancer to smokers and non-smokers. It is the first leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers and the second for both smokers and non-smokers. Radon exposure is responsible for about 21,000 deaths every year.
How does radon get into my property?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can only be detected by testing. It comes from the natural decay of uranium found mostly in soils.
Radon gas moves up from the soil to the air above and into your property through holes, gaps, cavities, and cracks in the foundation. It can also enter through your water supply. The gas is then trapped in the building and builds up.
What should you do to be radon-safe?
Radon is hazardous but can be easily fixed, according to the EPA. Follow these simple steps:
1. Test for radon. Radon testing is easy and affordable. Do not assume that if your neighbor tests negative for radon, you are safe, too. It is gas and can seep into properties randomly. Remember that you cannot detect radon by sight or smell. It is best to work with hire qualified testers when testing for radon in your property.
2. Mitigate immediately if test results are positive for radon. If your home, school, or office has radon levels that is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher, you have to fix it as soon as possible. Call us at (718) 316-6866 for professional radon testing and mitigation.
How to lower your radon level reading?
The soil suction radon reduction system is commonly used to fix and lower your radon levels. Radon mitigators can use other methods that are best for your property’s design, your budget, and your location. For any inquiries and problems about radon, call us at (718) 316-6866.
(718) 316-6866
Asbestos is a natural and durable material that is extremely heat-resistant. It is a useful material especially for fireproofing, insulation, home construction materials for roofing, ceiling and floor tiles, cement products, automotive parts for brakes, brake linings, and clutches, and other heat and corrosion-resistant products.
When is asbestos dangerous to your health?
Asbestos is hazardous and dangerous to your health when you inhale asbestos fibers on a regular basis over many years because there are asbestos fibers and dust coming from your home’s materials. You work without proper protection in asbestos-risk areas such as in construction, insulation, and shipyard jobs.
Smokers who regularly inhale asbestos are 90% more likely to acquire asbestos related diseases. Asbestos-related diseases include:
- Difficulty in breathing
- Skin problems
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma, a cancer in the lining of the lungs or stomach
- Digestive tract cancer
- Asbestosis, or lung scarring
Your health is at risk when you breathe in its fibers. These fibers are released into the air when materials containing asbestos are disturbed or damaged. Asbestos-containing materials that are left intact, undisturbed, and undamaged are safe.
The need for asbestos testing in NYC
Asbestos testing is required in NYC because about 68% of its buildings contain asbestos-containing materials (ACM) according to a study published by NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 1992.
So, asbestos investigation and testing is required in NYC.
Materials suspected of containing asbestos are considered presumed asbestos containing materials (PACM). Only licensed and specially-trained environmental inspectors are allowed to test materials and air.
What does an asbestos investigation entail?
Asbestos investigation and inspection can only be conducted by these specially trained experts:
1. Asbestos Investigators certified by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP)
2. Asbestos Inspectors certified by the New York State Department of Labor (NYS DOL)
These licensed and specially trained investigators and inspectors collect and submit bulk samples from the building containing PACM. The samples can only be tested and analyzed by laboratories within the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) administered by the New York State Department of Health.
The ACP5 Form Requirement in NYC
Asbestos fibers released in the air from disturbed and damaged ACMs are what pose serious health risks to people and pets. Thus, NYC requires that buildings are clear of ACMs by giving permits and approvals only for construction works when ACP5 Forms are submitted.
An Asbestos Assessment Report (Form ACP5) is filed by the building owner when:
- The investigator/Inspector finds no ACM or less than 10 sq. ft. or 25 in. ft. of ACM:
- The owner submits a Form ACP5 to the Department of Buildings (NYC DOB) to notify that the project is “Not an Asbestos Project”.
Asbestos Air Monitoring
To keep your home, school, or office building safe from asbestos fibers, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends an Operations & Maintenance Program to be in place for building owners and managers of buildings that have ACMs. As system for proper air monitoring is also recommended.
Proper air monitoring ensures that people in the building of interest are free from asbestos fiber exposure. An accurate method of analysis of air samples is the Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) that can distinguish between asbestos fibers among other kinds of fibers in the air. TEM is preferred over phase contrast microscopy (PCM). PCM is commonly used but cannot distinguish asbestos fibers from other fibers in its analysis.
Other important questions about asbestos
1. Are asbestos-containing materials safe?
Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are safe if left intact, undisturbed, or undamaged. Hire licensed and trained investigators/inspectors to check your home, office, and buildings for asbestos hazards.
DEP-certified investigators can issue an ACP5 Form, or an Asbestos Assessment Report if you need to have some alterations done that may disturb or damage presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACMs).
If you do not plan on having any construction work that may disturb PACMs, there is no need to file an ACP5 Form.
2. Where are presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACM) commonly found?
PACMs are usually found in corners where joint compounds are used, vinyl floorings, ceiling tiles, dry walls. Have your homes, schools, or offices tested for asbestos-containing materials and also conduct regular air monitoring.
Can I remove asbestos myself?
No Asbestos is difficult to find, identify, and safely handle. Don’t attempt to remove it yourself. It is best to hire experts to deal with asbestos.
Call us at (718) 316-6866.
(718) 316-6866